Income Potential
High margins | Low overhead | Home based business
Potential Earnings
A common question asked by prospective franchisees is, “How much money can I make?” This is up to you and below is an estimated earning potential spreadsheet providing you with a outline based on footage extruded per day and per month.
Curb-Ease® Corporate office extrudes between 4,000-10,000 L.ft. per month. An average job is between 75-135 L.ft. With larger properties averaging 200+ L.ft. Expenses will vary from market to market but as a home based business your overhead is low.
You can expect to work long hours during the season (depending on your geographic location). Areas where winter brings snow and low temperatures we are able to kick back a bit and regroup for the next season. Franchisees in warmer climates go all year round.
This chart is a sample only and in no way is designed to guarantee income. Prices may vary depending on location and type of work produced.
Exclusive Curb-Ease® Integral Colors by Curber’s Choice®
Washed concrete sand = approximately 120' / curb
Cement per bag = 30' per bag
Colour = average mix 1 lb = 15'
Admixtures = 80 mixes
Release Agent 5 gal pail = approx. 1000'
Sealer 5 gal = 1000'
Material Cost / Coloured, Stamped and Sealed - $1.20 - $1.45 L.ft.
Labour Rates typically start at $20.00 per hour
This is sample prices only and in no way is designed to guarantee income or costs.
Prices will vary in each location.