What is curbing?
More durable and attractive alternative than wood, bricks or plastic edging
Curbing, also known as concrete borders is a continuous concrete extrusion produced by a machine. Residential curbing is most often installed around flower beds, alongside driveways, walkways, interlocking bricks, and patios. Commercial curbing is typically installed in parking lots, around landscape, playgrounds, and walkways.
All jobs are completed on-site, and our custom truck or trailer packages are designed to carry all the equipment, tools and material to produce 300-700 L. ft. of curbing in a day.

Curb-Ease® continuous concrete landscape borders are a much more durable and attractive alternative to wood, brick or plastic edging. When it comes to landscape edging, Curb-Ease® leads the industry in quality products, professionalism and customer satisfaction.
"Got What it Takes"? Call today or click the link below for more information on our curbing franchise opportunity.